Book Launch Archives - Book Brush

How To Plan A Successful Book Launch

How To Plan A Successful Book Launch

The long-awaited date is finally almost here. The book you’ve put your heart and soul into for months or maybe even years will finally be released soon! This is an incredible achievement; however, the journey doesn’t end here. Now is the time to inform your audience about your new book and create as much exposure around it as possible during your book launch. A book launch isn’t just a single...

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My 8 Favorite Book Marketing Strategies

My 8 Favorite Book Marketing Strategies

In today’s publishing landscape, authors must develop and implement an effective marketing strategy for every book launch. Finding strategies that work, identifying the ones that don’t, then making necessary adjustments for the next launch will help get your books in front of your ideal readers. Every time I launch a book, I learn something new about marketing. I’ve also made plenty of mistakes...

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