You know you want to fire up your computer and write a story, but the question is: should it be fiction or non-fiction? What it all really comes down to is your interests, preferences, and what you’re most comfortable writing about. If you feel stuck on which genre you should write, we’ve broken down how to weigh your options and choose what’s right for you. Below, we discuss writing fiction vs....
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Trying to plot a novel can be one of the most difficult tasks that writers have to face. This task can be stressful, and just the thought of having to plot out your novel can make you anxious. However, there are a few techniques and steps you can do to make this process a lot easier to manage. Below, we discuss top tips that will make plotting your novel easier. Jot Down Some Story Ideas...
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To make your story more believable or realistic, you need as much detail or depth as possible. Adding depth to your story is more than just how the story unfolds or the main events that happen. It involves minor details in the story, characters, themes, dialogue, etc. If you’re struggling to add depth to your story, don’t worry! We’re here to help! At Book Brush, we’ve provided a few top tips...
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Fantasy books allow readers to dive into a new magical world. They are full of adventure, anticipation, and excitement. Authors love to unleash their imagination into fantasy books, and readers love escaping into the world of the writer’s creation. Since the world is practically your oyster when writing a new fantasy book, it can be challenging to pinpoint where you want your story to go....
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When it comes to choosing the right point of view for your book, it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll make regarding your novel. The point of view you decide on will determine how the reader perceives a character, build a connection between the character and reader, and essentially shape the story. While this isn’t an easy decision, it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated or...
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