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10 Best Hero Tropes For Fiction Writers

By Mackenzie Harrison

Who doesn’t love a good hero story? Readers love to be able to root for a hero, whether they are an underdog or born to be the savior who keeps the world safe – heroes give readers hope. Fictional books with heroes are also a great way for readers to escape into a world full of adventure where the good guy wins. If you’re writing a book and unsure which hero trope to explore, we’ve got you covered! Below, we discuss the top ten hero tropes for fiction writers.

1. The Survivor 

The survivor is someone who has been through it all. This person has faced and overcome adversity. They have had a hard past but want to help people despite it. This hero constantly has obstacles they have to navigate, but their perseverance helps them push forward.

2. The Hero Who Sacrifices It All

This hero has made a huge sacrifice in their life for the greater good. This often involves giving up the love of their life or sacrificing their own life to help others. It’s easy to root for this type of hero because you want them to win at the end of the day since they lost so much in the process of saving others. 

3. The Underdog

The underdog hero is someone who initially feels like there’s no hope for them to be the savior. They are usually clueless, weak, or have some sort of disadvantage. However, readers love a good underdog because they want to see them come up on top. Seeing them overcome all of their disadvantages to save the day is heartwarming.

4. The Hesitant Hero

The hesitant hero typically can’t believe the fate that’s fallen on their shoulders. They know the responsibility they’ve been given, but they don’t know if they can take it on. They are reluctant in the beginning, but in the end, they live up to what’s expected of them. 

5. The Anti-Hero

The anti-hero is typically a fan favorite when done correctly. This type of hero typically lacks all of the traditional characteristics of a hero. They often have questionable morals and are complex characters. They are rough around the edges, but that’s what makes them unique and sometimes more likable.

6. Hidden Identity

This hero typically lives a double life. During the day, they are ordinary everyday people, but at night, they fight crime. They don’t want their entire identity to fall under the hero category. They crave some normalcy. 

7. The Filthy Rich Hero

The rich hero is someone who more than likely used their money to get to where they are. They used their unlimited resources to create their hero identity, suit, and weapons. They probably wouldn’t be heroes if it weren’t for their persistent attitude and their wealth.

8. The Genius Hero

This type of hero is known for their intelligence. They use math, science, or technology to develop a strategy to take down the enemy. They are the brains of the operations and are the problem solvers in the group, which makes them stand apart from the rest.

9. The Chosen One

This type of hero was destined to become one of the greats either by a prophecy or by fate. Their whole life has prepared and led them to this moment – saving the world.

10. The Team Of Heros

Sometimes, taking down a villain is a bigger job than one person could handle. In the beginning, it may start with one or two heroes, but they will shortly realize that in order to take down the enemy, they need to assemble a team. Every hero in the group will have a different power, characteristic, or trait that makes them a valuable team member. Together, they will be able to stop the villain and save the world. 

Now That You Have A Hero Trope – What Now?

Now that you have a hero trope picked out and written, the next step is to get your book cover created. While this step seems challenging, it doesn’t have to be! With Book Brush, we make it fun and simple to create a stunning book cover that goes perfectly with your hero trope story. Let your cover intrigue readers to want to read your book and root for your hero with Book Brush’s help! 

In Conclusion

In conclusion, every story needs a hero. Heroes give readers hope and someone to cheer for. Whether you decide to switch things up and use the anti-hero trope or you want to stick to the traditional underdog hero story, you need a book cover that stands out from the other hero stories out there. By utilizing this list of hero tropes and by using Book Brush to create your book cover, you’ll be able to create a hero story that your readers will fall in love with.


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