As an indie author, getting your book noticed and out there can be challenging. It can often be difficult to know how to market your book, but it doesn’t have to be that way. One of the best ways to get yourself and your book out there is with an indie book conference. Book conferences are a great way to meet other authors, hear inspirational stories, gain practical book marketing tools that you...
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Many authors think of awards as a measure of their book’s quality and success. While this is true, book awards are proof of your book’s excellence, they’re also so much more. The surprising truth about awards lies in how effectively they can enhance your book marketing strategy. From captivating readers to providing continuous content to share with your audience, learning how to promote your...
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With a community of over 20 million book lovers, BookBub is a great place to expand an author’s audience beyond their existing fan base. BookBub offers lots of marketing tools and resources to help you connect with these readers, and you can get started no matter the size of your following on other online platforms. Wondering where to begin? Here are the first few steps you can take to establish...
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For most writers, there is no greater thrill than hearing your name announced as the winner of a writing award. Winning writing contests will embark you on a journey that will ignite your passion, boost your career, and propel your writing to extraordinary heights. So, grab your pen, buckle up, and get ready to explore the myriad of opportunities that await! Beyond Participation Awards Unlike...
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For most authors, the ultimate goal is to get their work in the hands of as many readers as possible. However, in a saturated book market, getting noticed can be a challenge. Thankfully, indie authors have developed two powerful strategies—price promotions and promo stacking—to increase their chances of success. By strategically planning a promo stack with a price drop, you can create buzz...
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