book club Archives - Book Brush

How To Host A Virtual Book Club For Your Readers

How To Host A Virtual Book Club For Your Readers

Hosting a book club for your readers is a great way to engage with your fans, hear their honest feedback, and expand on their reading experience. It also creates and strengthens a community amongst your fans. The more involved you are while promoting your book and engaging with your fans, the more you’ll boost your book brand reputation and strengthen your connection with your audience. If you...

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6 Reasons Why Authors Should Use Book Clubs To Promote Their Book

6 Reasons Why Authors Should Use Book Clubs To Promote Their Book

When authors think about promoting their books, they more than likely think about promoting them online. However, promoting your book online isn’t the only way to go. One way that you can promote your book is through a book club. This is an effective way to fully involve yourself with your promotion and even receive feedback from your peers. Below, we discuss why authors should get involved in...

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