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8 Great Reasons to Join a Writing Group Online

8 Great Reasons to Join a Writing Group Online

Online writing groups can offer all genres and levels of writers an opportunity to learn more about the writing craft and publishing industry. Similar to in-person writing groups, participants can ask questions, and receive constructive feedback on their latest writing project. Groups meets weekly or monthly depending on pre-established guidelines that help organize and keep things One of the...

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8 Ways To Defeat Writer’s Block

8 Ways To Defeat Writer’s Block

Writer’s BlockDo those two words strike terror in your writer’s heart? Have you faced it? I have and many of my author friends have as well. It doesn’t have to be the death knell to your career, promise. There are ways to combat it, overcome it, and move forward. Not everyone’s writers’ block is the same. Some triggers are physical, either a health change, a location change, a job change. Some...

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Using Instagram Stories to Grow Your Reader Audience

Using Instagram Stories to Grow Your Reader Audience

I know. I know. It seems like, every time we turn around, folks are telling us we have to be on this social platform or using that social strategy. And it seems like every few months, each platform launches another new way to use it. How can an author keep track of ALL THE THINGS? But trust me. This Instagram Stories is a platform all authors should absolutely be using to build their brand,...

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5 Cool Conference Swag Ideas For Authors

5 Cool Conference Swag Ideas For Authors

Writing a post on conference swag (those things you give away with your name on them) seems to be a perfect follow up to last month’s blog by Tawdra Kandle’s on Conferences. Generally speaking, a conference swag room is for conference attendees. However, if the conference you’re attending has public book signings, you’ll also need some swag at your table. First thing to remember is that...

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7 Ways To Maximize Your Author Conference Experience

7 Ways To Maximize Your Author Conference Experience

Let’s face it: thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a weird year for conferences and conventions in all industries. The publishing world was no exception. The vast majority of meetings were canceled or converted to an online platform. Face-to-face gatherings were rare after February. As the programming chair for the Novelists, Inc., 2020 conference, I know all too well the challenges of...

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8 Helpful Pieces of Advice On Developing A Writing Routine

8 Helpful Pieces of Advice On Developing A Writing Routine

Right off, let me ask you, is the word routine off putting? Here are two definitions: Noun: a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program. Adjective: performed as part of a regular procedure rather than for a special reason. I admit, those sound intimidating to me. So, what is a better word for me? For you? I like the word habit. You can find a lot of synonyms for routine, but habit...

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