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The 5 Key Steps to Building a Successful Author Branding and Marketing Campaign!

The 5 Key Steps to Building a Successful Author Branding and Marketing Campaign!

Every author I know has struggled, at one point or another, with how to effectively market their books. So, as an author coach for over a decade, I decided a few years ago to learn all I could about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to book marketing strategies. And while it would take much more time than I have writing this article to run through all the critical elements of a marketing...

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Ideas To Help You Create Paperback Book Spines

Ideas To Help You Create Paperback Book Spines

In the past few posts, we’ve talked about creating back covers that lead to sales, a deeper dive on writing blurbs, using segments of those blurbs in advertising memes and now for some do’s and don’t for creating the spine of your paper or hard back book. Note: see this post on creating paperback covers which explains a lot about what the various lines on your template means, why you need to pay...

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Using Book Blurb Lines In Your Ad Images

Using Book Blurb Lines In Your Ad Images

In the good old days, readers bought books in bookstores. They traveled to the store and unless they were shopping for a specific title, readers then wandered the aisles in general or headed straight for the section with their favorite genre. After browsing, they made a decision to buy based on three things: an enticing cover, an intriguing back cover description, and a captivating first page....

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Deeper Dive On Creating Book Blurbs

Deeper Dive On Creating Book Blurbs

Do you dread writing your book blurb? I used to, but now it’s actually fun! We all know that getting a reader to our selling page is step one. Book Brush can help you create social media memes that rock and will drive customers to this all important page. The next step is to engage them enough to keep reading the blurb we’ve meticulously crafted and then finally to click that buy button. I have...

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How To Design A Back Cover That Leads To More Sales

How To Design A Back Cover That Leads To More Sales

The back cover is something not many authors really think about when getting their book designed. With the plethora of clients I’ve worked with, only about 98% have even mentioned the back cover design to me. It’s often something they don’t even consider until after I’ve sent them the first draft. But the back cover can be something really special when shown a little love. In this post, I’ll...

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What Do You Want To Promote About Your Book Series?

What Do You Want To Promote About Your Book Series?

Writing a series is a great way to continue characters your readers love, settings they can’t get enough of, and conflicts that keep them turning the pages while wondering how it might be resolved in a future book. (I don’t mean cliff hangers, but a character who will have her or his own book to solve an issue brought up in a prior book.) In Sandy Appleyard’s post,  she talks about ways to...

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