book tropes Archives - Book Brush

Why Certain Book Tropes Resonate With Audiences

Why Certain Book Tropes Resonate With Audiences

Do you find that you tend to lean toward certain book tropes? Readers typically find emotional connections, or they relate or crave certain experiences with book tropes, like magical schools or superpowers. Even though some book tropes may seem cliché, tropes are the key ingredient of a good book. Below, Book Brush will dive deep into why certain tropes resonate with audiences.  A Way To Escape...

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Exploring The Top YA Fiction Book Tropes For Writers

Exploring The Top YA Fiction Book Tropes For Writers

If you know that you want to write a young adult (YA) fiction book but are unsure which trope you want to use, you’ve come to the right place! There’s a long list of options to choose from, so it can be challenging and even overwhelming to know which one to explore. Below, we’ll discuss the top YA fiction book tropes to help make your decision a little easier. First Love When it comes to YA...

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Crafting A Different World: Top 9 Fantasy Book Tropes For Writers To Explore

Crafting A Different World: Top 9 Fantasy Book Tropes For Writers To Explore

Fantasy books allow readers to dive into a new magical world. They are full of adventure, anticipation, and excitement. Authors love to unleash their imagination into fantasy books, and readers love escaping into the world of the writer’s creation. Since the world is practically your oyster when writing a new fantasy book, it can be challenging to pinpoint where you want your story to go....

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Crafting Chills: Top 9 Horror Tropes For Writers To Explore

Crafting Chills: Top 9 Horror Tropes For Writers To Explore

Are you looking to write a horror book but unsure which horror trope you want to use? The one good thing about horror tropes is there are a lot of them, which gives you, as a writer, more freedom to dive into, explore, and reinvent. Below, we outlined the top horror tropes for you to dig deeper into that will surely give your readers such a good scare they won’t be able to put your book...

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Top 10 Romance Novel Tropes For Writers To Explore

Top 10 Romance Novel Tropes For Writers To Explore

Who doesn’t love a good romance book? Sometimes, you just want to curl up with a romance novel that has a “happily ever after.” As a writer, your job is to get your audience to fall in love with your characters and their love story. If you’re writing a romance book but unsure which trope you want to use, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered! Below, we discuss the top ten romance novel tropes for...

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