writing tips Archives - Book Brush

How To Create A Memorable Book Character Name

How To Create A Memorable Book Character Name

Naming book characters can be challenging. This can be a stressful process because you want a memorable name for your character that matches their personality well without being too strange or too plain. If the name is too quirky or even hard to pronounce, it could make the reader uninterested in the book from the beginning. However, if a name’s too plain or boring, it won’t be a name that your...

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The Importance Of Word Of Mouth Marketing For Authors

The Importance Of Word Of Mouth Marketing For Authors

Word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) is an essential way for authors to get their books out into the world. Word-of-mouth marketing is when someone raves about a product from person to person. Essentially, it’s a positive discussion about a product. Word-of-mouth marketing can include discussing the product with friends, family, and social media. For example, when someone reads your book and loves it,...

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How To Create An Animated Mockup For A Free Book Promotion

How To Create An Animated Mockup For A Free Book Promotion

Do you have a free book you want to promote? You can easily and quickly find and edit an animated mockup on Book Brush to promote your free book. Our animated mockups will catch your audience’s attention and get them interested in reading your book. Promoting a free book could get them hooked on your writing and storytelling and turn them into fans, enticing them into potentially buying...

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How To Host A Virtual Book Club For Your Readers

How To Host A Virtual Book Club For Your Readers

Hosting a book club for your readers is a great way to engage with your fans, hear their honest feedback, and expand on their reading experience. It also creates and strengthens a community amongst your fans. The more involved you are while promoting your book and engaging with your fans, the more you’ll boost your book brand reputation and strengthen your connection with your audience. If you...

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Color Psychology In Book Cover Design: How To Use Colors To Attract Readers

Color Psychology In Book Cover Design: How To Use Colors To Attract Readers

When it comes to designing a book cover and choosing which color you should use, there’s more that goes into this process than what appeals to your eye. You also need to consider the psychology of colors and what could evoke different emotions from your readers. By knowing the power of colors and how they can bring out different moods, emotions, and feelings, you’ll be able to attract more...

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