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Top Tips For Balancing Writing with Daily Life

By Mackenzie Harrison

Balancing writing with your daily life can come with its own challenges. Do you ever feel like your personal life cuts into your writing time and vice versa? If you feel like it’s hard to effectively manage both, we understand. It’s not always easy to juggle both, which is why we’ve come up with a few top tips that you can implement to balance both your writing and daily life. Let’s begin!

1. Make A List 

Making a list of your writing goals could be beneficial for you, especially if you’re a visual person. Having what you need done written out could prevent you from forgetting something. 

2. Don’t Make Unrealistic Goals

While setting writing goals is a great way to stay on track, you’ll want to make your goals realistic. You could set that you should write two thousand words today, two thousand words tomorrow, etc. Trying to write ten thousand words in one day while also balancing your daily life just isn’t realistic. Establishing unrealistic goals will either lead you to not fulfill them or it could just cause you to burn out in the long run. 

3. Learn/Cut Out Distractions

Learning what your distractions are and taking the steps to cut them out is vital. For instance, do you find yourself scrolling through social media when you should be writing? If you do, turning off your cell phone or putting it a safe distance away from your workspace could help. 

4. Be Flexible

Things happen, and every day won’t look the same. You may have plans or appointments one day and nothing the next. You may be more productive on some days than others. Try to remain flexible and open to changes.

5. Celebrate The Little Milestones

Celebrating each milestone you make is important. Whether you’re celebrating that you completed two thousand words today or that you finished several chapters in a week, you should take a moment to be proud of yourself. Writing a book isn’t easy and to keep the momentum going and the motivation meter running, you should be proud of even the little wins. 

In Conclusion

While it’s not always easy to balance writing and daily life, these tips will hopefully help. It’s all about finding the right balance, trying different strategies, and seeing which routine or tip works best for you.

Part of the writing life is also joined with marketing and promoting your books. To make marketing your books simpler, Book Brush is here to help take some of the work and stress off your shoulders with our social media management service for authors. With this service, you’ll be able to spend more time writing while we promote your books for you. We stay on top of trends and post eye-catching content that stays on-brand. This is a great solution that saves you time while also boosting your social media presence. To learn more about this service, make sure you book a call with us!


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