Fonts are one the best ways to convey genre to your readers. And as such, the wrong font can make even the most gorgeous artwork look messy. Don’t worry, Book Brush is here to help with genre font pairings!
The pairings below feature one decorative font + a simpler serif or sans serif font, either from Google Fonts or available for commercial-free purposes off another site, like Non-Google fonts will be linked below. Be sure to read all licensing information on them.
Continuing this year, we’ll be venturing out to showcase more non-Google fonts and niching down to feature more subgenres, so keep a lookout on our Instagram or on the Book Brush Facebook page for that each month.
Without further ado, here are font pairings to give authors some inspiration and direction when making their graphics and book covers.
Childrens Font Pairings
Luckiest Guy + Source Sans Pro | Chewy + Poppins | Love Ya Like a Sister + Open Sans | Bangers + Raleway

Fantasy Font Pairings
Philosopher + Unna Regular | Merienda + Quattrocento | Aclonica + Sorts Mill Goudy | Marck Script + Gentium Book Basic
Historical Font Pairings
Poiret One + Arapey | Astloch + Amiri | Atomic Age + Lustria | Limelight + Vollkhorn
Holiday Font Pairings
Staatliches + Corben | Spirax + Nanum Gothic | Arima Madurai + Assistant | Abril Fatface + Montserrat
Horror Font Pairings
Averia Sans Libre + Voces | Girassol + Lato | Lalezar + DM Sans | Passion One + ASAP
Literary Fiction Font Pairings
Sawarabi Mincho + Mate | Didact Gothic + ASAP | Prata Regular + Lora | Fjalla One + Catamaran

Mystery Font Pairings
Candal + DM Sans | Oswald + Pathway Gothic One | Kanit + Lexend Deca | Viga + Jaldi
Paranormal Font Pairings
Black Chancery + Alice | Sell Your Soul + Caudex | Underworld + Trirong | Haunting Attraction + GFS Didot
Romance Font Pairings
Lobster Two + Oxygen Regular | Qwitcher Gryphen + Montserrat | Satisfy + Lato | Mea Culpa + Prata Regular
Science Fiction Font Pairings
Nova Round + Abel | Federant + Source Sans Pro | Iceland + Pontano Sans | Prosto One + Nanum Gothic
Steampunk Font Pairings
Almonte Regular + Lora | Rye + Abhaya Libre | Carnivalee Freakshow + Crimson | Great Victorian + Libre Baskerville
Thriller Font Pairings
Bayon + Unica One | Kumar One + Actor | Expletus Sans + Barlow | Black Han Sans + Istok Web
For additional font pairing suggestions, check out this Book Brush blog post: 6 Typography Tips for Graphics and Book Covers (with 35+ font pairings.
Article by Teresa Conner
Teresa is a freelance cover designer and lead graphic designer here at Book Brush. When not creating graphics for Book Brush or book covers for indie authors and traditional publishers, Teresa can be found writing erotic romance under her pen name Torrance Sené.
You can find her social media accounts and learn more about her at or