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Top Tips On How To Plot A Novel

By Mackenzie Harrison

Trying to plot a novel can be one of the most difficult tasks that writers have to face. This task can be stressful, and just the thought of having to plot out your novel can make you anxious. However, there are a few techniques and steps you can do to make this process a lot easier to manage. Below, we discuss top tips that will make plotting your novel easier. 

Jot Down Some Story Ideas

The first step to any story is to develop a plan. Sometimes, writing down ideas for your story is a good start. If you’re the kind of writer who comes up with stories on the fly and then forgets about them later on, it’s good practice to write them down. Not only does it make it easier to remember later on, but for those who are visual, having it written down can help. The act of writing it down and seeing it on paper can cement the story idea into your mind and get the creativity to flow. 

Figure Out The Core Of Your Story

When you have an idea for your story, you can start thinking about its core. This is where you can start to think about what’s at stake for your story, conflict, protagonists, etc. Consider what kinds of things will pull your readers in and get them hooked on your book. 

Pick A Structure

There are many structures that you can choose from. Some of the common ones include the snowflake method, the hero’s journey, and the three-act structure. 

Outline Some Key

Begin laying out some key point plots. Don’t let this step overwhelm you. If you don’t have everything thought up yet, that’s okay. If you have the main points jotted down, you can then start to connect the dots to help you complete the puzzle. 

Come Up With Subplots

When you’ve outlined the main key points of your story, you can begin coming up with subplots. Subplots are secondary storylines that are woven to support and elevate the main storyline. The subplots should be worked out and concluded by the end of your story. 

Create A Detailed Timeline 

Creating a detailed timeline will help you map out what happens and when it occurs. This will help prevent holes in your story and will help you to see if any loose ends in your story need to be tied up. 

In Conclusion

In conclusion, plotting a novel is difficult. Hopefully, these tips will make this process easier for you and make organizing less of a headache. 

Once you’ve completed your story, you need graphics to help promote it. To captivate your audience and get them excited about your book, you need the help of Book Brush. With Book Brush, you can create stunning graphics within minutes to add to your social media. You’ll be able to make graphics without the hassle that you may find elsewhere. Happy creating!


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