Mal Cooper
Profitability with FB Ads
May 19, 2023
8:00am PST • 10:00am CST • 11:00am EST

Facebook ads can be intimidating (and expensive!) if you don’t know where to begin. In this class, a Facebook ads expert will start with the basics and explain audiences, ad setup and creation, and how to start small and grow from there.

Nikoo and Jim McGoldrick
How to Protect Your Words and Assets: The Marriage of LLCs and Trusts for Writers
June 21, 2023
9:00am PST • 11:00am CST • noon EST

Not lawyers or accountants, but with thirty years in the publishing business and 50+ independent and traditionally published books, Nikoo and Jim recently found themselves in a position of having to safeguard their literary works and assets.

This presentation is a summary of their conversations with multiple accountants and attorneys and how they ended up with an LLC and Trust.

Michael La Ronn
Writing to Market without Selling Your Soul
July 21, 2023
9:00am PST • 11:00am CST • noon EST

The term “write to market” is often a dirty word, but it doesn’t mean what people think it means. Writing to market is really about blending art with commerce. In this session, prolific author Michael La Ronn will share his process of how he did market research and analysis to launch a recent urban fantasy series profitably. You’ll learn best practices for researching covers, story ideas, and marketing strategies—all while telling stories that you love.

100% virtual. Watch sessions on your own time.

August 11-13, 2023 • 3-Day Event

Friday, August 11, 2023

Mark Gottlieb

Mark Gottlieb
Writing an Effective Hook and Query Letter
11:30am PST • 1:30pm CST • 2:30pm EST

Trident Media Group VP and literary agent Mark Gottlieb’s Writing an Effective Hook and Query Letter class is an intensive on query letter writing. The course will lend participants a feel for comfortable writing in the fashion of selling a book idea to an agent, editor, or publisher. Rarely is such an industry insider craft shared. This is an excellent opportunity to get your book idea before a literary agent from Trident Media Group, publishing's #1-ranked literary agency.


Dani Pettrey
Beyond the Page: How In-Person Events Drive Book Sales - A Workshop on the Power of Book Signings and Author Appearances
12:45pm PST • 2:45pm CST • 3:45pm EST

This workshop explores how in-person events, such as book signings and author appearances, can be powerful tools for driving book sales. Participants will learn about the benefits of connecting with readers face-to-face and how to plan and execute successful events. The workshop covers strategies for building buzz, maximizing attendance, and engaging with audiences, as well as tactics for promoting events through social media and other channels. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the importance of in-person events and how they can use them to boost their own book sales.

Bethany Jett

Bethany Jett
The Pitch Factor
2pm PST • 4pm CST • 5pm EST

Did you know that you naturally point your knees and feet towards the person you’re most interested in? Only 7% of communication is verbal, so writers must pack more in their arsenal than a long list of publication credits and a thirty-second elevator pitch. The tone of voice, posture, clothing choice, firmness of handshake, and body language more than communicate who we are, even at the subconscious level. Bethany Jett will offer tips and tricks for what could possibly be a life-changing 10-minute appointment with agents and editors, as well as prepare them for upcoming media appearances and speaking engagements. A great prep for Saturday and Sunday Pitch Sessions.
Topics covered:

• The Do’s and Don’ts for meeting with editors and agents
• How to engage others with or without a formal introduction
• The online programs to edit your pictures professionally
• Social media etiquette: the good, bad, and ugly
• How to use body language to your benefit
• How to accurately determine the success of an interview or pitch session


Mike Hourigan
Strategies to Grow Your Reader Audience
3:15pm PST • 5:15pm CST • 6:15pm EST

Building your author brand and expanding your audience can be challenging with so many options available, from list building and giveaways to TikTok ads and email promotions. It can be difficult to determine the most effective mix of paid and organic channels for your marketing strategy. In this presentation, Mike Hourigan from Written Word Media will provide an insider's view of the audience building tactics that are currently working for authors and offer guidance on which ones may not be worth your time


Wendy H. Jones
Podcasting 101: A Beginner's Guide to Creating, Launching, and Growing Your Podcast
4:30pm PST • 6:30pm CST • 7:30pm EST

Podcasting 101 is a workshop designed to teach authors the fundamentals of creating, launching, and growing their own podcast. The workshop covers various topics, including the necessary equipment, editing techniques, and distribution channels required to create a successful podcast. Participants will learn how to craft compelling author/literary content and engage with their audience, as well as strategies for marketing and monetizing their podcast. Whether you are a hobbyist looking to share your writing passions or an entrepreneur seeking to expand your author brand, Podcasting 101 provides a comprehensive guide to help you start your author podcasting journey.

Saturday, August 12, 2023


Judith Briles
Ninja Book Marketing to Discover the Force within YOU!
7am PST • 9am CST • 10am EST

Contrary to what many authors believe, writing the book is only 10% of publishing … it’s the 90% marketing that will make or break book success. Gone are the days of national book signing tours where an author travels from city to city to meet fans and be featured on TV, radio and in print. Most authors are homebound with their favorite cup of coffee or tea and constant laptop companion. To the surprise of a traditionally published author and bewilderment of the self and indie author, it’s up to the author to oversee all marketing and publicity. Whether you are traditional or indie, it’s the author who is responsible for most of the book marketing. That means you. You need to think of your book as a product that you are bringing to the market. The knowledge, tools, tips, and techniques delivered here will impact every decision you make along the way.

Autumn headshot

Autumn May Birt Raven
Boost Book Sales Without Paid Ads
8:15am PST • 10:15am CST • 11:15am EST

A practical and informative workshop designed to help authors sell more books by leveraging the power of content marketing. In this workshop, participants will learn how to create compelling content that attracts and engages readers, build an audience, and increase book sales without relying on expensive paid ads. Through a combination of expert strategy and case studies, participants will gain the knowledge and skills needed to take their book promotion efforts to the next level. Whether you're a self-published author or working with a traditional publisher, this workshop will provide valuable insights and strategies for success in today's competitive book market.

Staci Mauney

Staci Mauney
The Business of Blogging: Proven Strategies to Increase Readership and SEO
10:45am PST • 12:45pm CST • 1:45pm EST

In this workshop, Staci Mauney will discuss the do’s and don’ts and ins and outs of blogging as well as how to use your blog as a marketing tool. We’ll discuss techniques to find your audience and connect with them by maintaining a steady stream of content. Staci will define search engine optimization (SEO) and best practices. This workshop will contain interactive exercises, so bring a pen and paper or a laptop and get ready to share!


Cyle Young
Winning with Words: Leveraging Book Awards to Establish Credibility & Skyrocket Sales
12pm PST • 2pm CST • 3pm EST

A comprehensive workshop that delves into the world of book awards and how they can be used as a powerful marketing tool to increase sales. In this session, we will explore the various benefits of winning book awards, including establishing credibility, increasing visibility, and opening doors to new readers. We will also discuss effective strategies for promoting and marketing your book, leveraging your award to drive sales and maximize your success. Whether you're a new author or a seasoned pro, this workshop will provide valuable insights and actionable tips to help you take your book to the next level.

Evan Gow

Evan Gow
0 to 1,000+ Newsletter Subscribers
1:15pm PST • 3:15pm CST • 4:15pm EST

In this conversation, you will learn how to build your mailing list, write a welcome sequence, arrange cross-promotions, and find/vet potential reviewers.


Jeannine Bennett
Unlock Your Book's Potential: Cutting-Edge Marketing Strategies
2:30pm PST • 4:30pm CST • 5:30pm EST

Join us for an engaging session on unleashing your book's potential! Learn the latest marketing strategies for self-published authors in today's dynamic publishing landscape. From social media to book discovery, we'll cover practical tips and actionable insights to boost your book's visibility, connect with readers, and achieve success. Don't miss out on staying ahead of the curve in book marketing!

Sunday, August 13, 2023


Shayla Raquel
Amazon Success: Strategies & Secrets for Indie Authors
7am PST • 9am CST • 10am EST

This workshop is a comprehensive training program designed to help self-published authors succeed on Amazon. The workshop covers a wide range of topics, including book promotion, pricing strategies, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) tools, and more.

During the workshop, attendees will learn the best practices for building a strong author platform, developing effective book descriptions, and using Amazon's promotional tools to increase visibility and sales. The workshop also provides insights into the latest Amazon algorithms and trends, helping authors stay ahead of the competition.


Mark Leslie Lefebvre
The Power of Author IP (Intellectual Property): Leveraging choices, options, and maximizing your earning potential in today's digital world
8:15am PST • 10:15am CST • 11:15am EST

As a writer you've never had more power, more choice, more control than ever before in the history of publishing. Join Mark Leslie Lefebvre, author and book industry veteran who draws upon more than thirty years of experience in writing and publishing to provide insights, inspiration, and ideas to help you discover some of the untapped potential you likely never knew you had.

This talk will explore the opportunity that exists for authors within both traditional publishing and self/indie-publishing, reminding that so much of the entertainment world all begins with YOU and YOUR Intellectual Property, and how you choose to license it and control it to maximize your earning potential as an author and creative entrepreneur

Jill Cooper
Advanced Training: Identify and Scale Profitable Facebook Ads
9:30am PST • 11:30am CST • 12:30pm EST

Join our advanced Facebook Ads training workshop and take your advertising game to the next level! Discover the latest strategies, techniques, and insider tips to unlock the true power of Facebook Ads for maximum impact. Learn how to optimize your campaigns, target the right audience, create compelling ad creatives, and drive unparalleled results. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or looking to level up your advertising skills, this workshop is your ticket to mastering advanced Facebook Ads strategies and achieving unrivaled success in the world of online advertising.

writer william bernhardt

William Bernhardt
Audiobook Boot Camp
10:45am PST • 12:45pm CST • 1:45pm EST

Bestselling author William Bernhardt will take you through the process of creating audiobooks, podcasts, and other ways of expanding your writing career through the spoken word. He will cover the entire process, from fundamentals to finished product, whether you want to record your own work or to produce audiobooks of your work narrated by others. He will cover the tech details as well as performance aspects—what makes for an engaging, dynamic narrative voice. He will also discuss the use of audio for promoting your work.


Lisa Renee Jones
Creating Brand Loyalty with Connections at Conventions
12pm PST • 2pm CST • 3pm EST

Discover the magic behind attending a book signing in this session. Book signings hold a special place in the hearts of both authors and readers alike, creating an intimate and memorable experience. We'll dive into the reasons why attending a book signing is an absolute must for authors.

The book community has always been a tight knit one, and part of that community is bringing together all facets from readers, authors, influencers, publishing professionals, and others into a space like Readers Take Denver. It's a way for everyone to connect and market in ways that you won't see inside our online spaces. Whether you're a passionate reader, aspiring writer, or simply curious about the magic of book signings, this session will leave you inspired and eager to dive into this once in a lifetime experience.

DiAnn Mills
Creating a Powerful Book Launch
1:15pm PST • 3:15pm CST • 4:15pm EST

A writer’s goal is to place well-written books into the hands and hearts of readers. Gear up for a two-part session where you'll learn every aspect of marketing and promoting a book.


Russell Nohelty
Unlock the Power of Your Kickstarter Campaign! Discover the Top Five Money-Making Opportunities to Supercharge Your Project's Success
2:30pm PST • 4:30pm CST • 5:30pm EST

Looking to maximize your crowdfunding potential? Look no further! In 'Five Places to Make Money during a Kickstarter Campaign,' we reveal the insider secrets to boost your fundraising efforts and propel your project to new heights. Learn how to tap into hidden revenue streams and capitalize on the momentum of your campaign. Whether you're a seasoned Kickstarter creator or a first-time entrepreneur, this workshop provides invaluable strategies for turning your passion into profit.

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